Stained Concrete | Portland
Staining your concrete is one of the easiest ways to give it a unique aesthetic. By choosing the right kinds of coloring substances, you can transform your installation and give it much more aesthetic appeal. It allows you to customize the fixture with any style you like, knowing that it is going to be a lasting and effective solution. All you need to do is choose the hues that you love the most and make sure that you find the right kind of product to best achieve your plans. Luckily for you, when you decide to come to us, at The Portland Concrete Contractors, we can take care of both things. Simply let us know where your preferences lie, and we would be glad to take care of the rest.
Acid Stains
One of the best mediums you can use to stain your concrete is an acid concrete stain. A longevous solution to your aesthetic needs, acid stains etch vibrant tones into a concrete surface by chemically reacting with them. When applied with a steady hand and some creative skill, they can leave incredible results. And those are all the more accentuated with our tailored concrete seals, which can capture beautiful, marbled effects. So, if you think that an acid stain might be the perfect style for you, be sure to let us know precisely how we can use it to achieve your desired aesthetic.
Penetrating Stains
On the other hand, you might like to take advantage of our fantastic penetrating stains. Unlike acid stains, these deeply penetrate the concrete material and create a much more permanent color than any other product. The color will not fade and will not flake away over time, meaning the greatest return on your investment. So, if your priority is getting the greatest time from your stain, you know that this is the right style to choose. Again, just tell us which hue you want to pick, and we would be glad to deliver it.
While stains are always a great way to color your concrete once it has been fitted, you may want to have your color integrally colored. If you want to make sure that the entire fixture has been evenly colored, and that the same tone is visible from both sides of the material, integral color is always best. And, to achieve this, our team makes use of a premium range of concrete pigments. When added to wet concrete, pigments create some vivid appearances, each of which is easily customized to your precise preferences. So, if you care about richness and consistency, this might be ideal.
Concrete Dye
Or, if you are looking for something striking and bold, we recommend that you opt for a concrete dye. By dying your concrete, you create the deepest, clearest tones of color, many of which would like just as bright as the paint around your home. You must only find the style that you love the most and we would have no trouble dying your concrete with vibrant results.